Back in action, and asking for your vote.

thThe site was down for quite a while — most of the past three days, in fact — due either to its being migrated to a new server or to a “fatal error” in a plug-in. Or maybe it was just a case of virtual epizootic.

Whatever the problem was, it’s fixed now — except, as you may have noticed, the sidebars are all gone. A sidebar plug-in was where the fatal error was buried, so it had to be shut down.

Some days I long to go back to the era of typewriters.

As of Sunday evening it was back up and I decided to skip the now-two-days-late giveaway posting. I’ll start again on Friday.

But here’s the point I really hope to make: The end of the day Monday, Sept. 23 is your last chance to vote for the Plutus Awards, and I’m hoping that my daughter, Abigail Perry, will at least make the finals in the “Best Kept Secret” category. For more on why I think she’s a match, see my previous post on the subject.

All you have to is click on this link and her site’s URL will automatically be filled in. Then you just enter your own information (name, e-mail and whether or not you’re a PF blogger), scroll a bit further down and hit “nominate.”

That’s it! You’re done. Tell your friends how easy it is.

No, seriously: Tell them. I’d take it as a personal favor if you forwarded this piece to friends or shared it on social media. Neither Abby nor I could be called particularly adept at self-promotion (or, for that matter, at using social media) so I’m acutely aware that writers with more PR savvy could nudge her out of the running. That’s the nature of contests.

Here’s hoping that I report back from the 2013 Financial Blogger Conference that Abby got called to the podium to accept the award. If she doesn’t? We’ll still have a great time. But who doesn’t want a Plutus Award trophy badge on her website?

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13 thoughts on “Back in action, and asking for your vote.”

  1. I just voted again. I didn’t know you could do this more than once. Kicking myself now for not doing it everyday. I will forward it to a few friends and will keep my fingers crossed for her. Best of luck and Take care!

  2. I voted. It was so liberating. ;p
    This is much better than the fatal error. Don’t consider it missing your sidebars just consider it an airing out of that space. See and now it is all better.

    • Does this mean if you go to you can’t see anything newer than the “Back in action” post? Argh! I’ll ask the web goddess to investigate. (She’s been sick with “con crud” since the Portland comics convention and is behind on getting things fixed.)
      Thanks for letting me know — and any other details would be appreciated.

      • So earlier today I was able to get back to the regular site with the newer posts, but this discussion we’re having here was non-existent.

        Now it’s back to this being the most recent post that I can see. And when I look at the homepage it says there’s only one comment. When I click on this post, there are more comments.

        I still have no way of getting to the more recent posts without clicking on someone’s blogroll.

        I think I remember GRS doing something like this in the past as well when they were getting too much traffic and there was some kind of cache thing.


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