Beat the heat with “Tundra.”

tundra 100It’s high summer. The heat and humidity are racing each other to the century mark. Your shirt is sticking to your back like a sweaty decal. The air is so thick you could drink it.

Here’s one solution: Look at a cartoon that involves polar bears, snowmen or dog mushers. You’ll get a vicarious chill and the laughter-induced endorphins will distract you from the fact that you’ve got a few more months of this kind of weather.

Yep, it’s another “Tundra” giveaway. This will be the third time I’ve featured a collection of Chad Carpenter’s comics, and the reaction is always tremendous. Why? Because he’s freakin’ funny, that’s why.

Carpenter’s strip is syndicated all over the U.S. and also in other countries. If you’d like to know more, read this post from last year, which contains a link to a profile of the artist.

Or just take my word for it: Chad is a sick and twisted man, which makes for awesome (and occasionally wince-inducing) cartooning.

To enter:

If you do any (or all!) of these things, please leave separate, additional comments to get credit for each entry.

The deadline is 7 p.m. EDT Wednesday, July 3. If I don’t hear back from the winners by 7 p.m. EDT Thursday, July 4, I’ll pull another name.

Note: I’ll be traveling for a couple of weeks (note the “EDT” instead of “PDT”) and thus won’t actually mail the book until I return. The winner will just have to buy a lot of Popsicles until then.

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36 thoughts on “Beat the heat with “Tundra.””

  1. Thanks for turning my family on to Tundra! My kids LOVE the comics and ask me when I’m going to buy more of his books. 🙂

  2. I follow you on FB. I need something for my son to read on the plane home after his graduation from Marine bootcamp! He would love this!


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