Message in a virtual bottle.

Message in a virtual bottle.I’m tossing this post out there on faith, because I’m not sure how many people will actually be able to read it. That’s because the site continues to flutter and flicker.

My web goddess is ferreting out the gremlins responsible for the past few days’ worth of aggravation. It’s not an easy task, so please hang in there if you get “site down” or, worse, “fatal error” messages over the next couple of days.

Honest: I’m not quitting the business, even though part of the business quit me (and an unknown number of other writers).

Today I put my final MSN Money post into draft form. After almost seven years of contract work it feels odd to be a free agent once more. Not unpleasantly odd, mind you: I’m looking forward for a clear space in which to breathe.

I’ll still have to work, but I’ve lined up just enough to pay my basic expenses. I don’t want to dip into savings, but neither do I want to go back to being just as busy as I was before.

In other news…

There’s still time to sign up for the free “10,000 Reasons to Coupon” webinar, co-sponsored by and LearnVest. The hour-long presentation, which takes place at 8 p.m. EDT on Thursday, Sept. 26, covers the basics of “realistic” couponing and meal planning.

The deadline to vote for the Plutus Awards has been extended to Sept. 30, according to awards founder Luke Landes of Consumerism Commentary. I’ve been stumping for my daughter, Abigail Perry; see my previous post on the subject for why I think she’s a good fit for the “Best Kept Secret” category. If you click on this link, her site’s URL will automatically be filled in; after that, enter your own basic info (name, e-mail and whether or not you’re a PF blogger), scroll a bit further down and hit “nominate.”

Finally, you’ve got a shot at winning one of two $100 Amazon gift cards if you attend Ally Bank’s upcoming Tweetchat, “Minding Your Money Manners At Work.”  Nicole Williams of LinkedIn will discuss topics like salary negotiation and how to behave when you’re spending someone else’s money. To RSVP your attendance, leave a comment with your Twitter handle and Twitter URL. Note: You must follow @AllyBank during the chat. Good luck!

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5 thoughts on “Message in a virtual bottle.”

  1. I found your website again–so glad! Good luck chasing the gremlins away; please keep blogging. voted for your daughter & spent a wonderful hour checking out her blog. thanks for the tip; I see where she gets her talent.


  2. Thanks to the “gremlins” I couldn’t read your blog from 09/24 until today, Saturday, 09/28. I missed you, I really did! Loved your comments on how to not be the “Disneyland Grandma” and hope that my comments in that area added a little something—though you covered most everything completely. I hope you will be a grandmother some day, as you certainly do have the grandma chops!!!

    • I hope so, too. My daughter has had three miscarriages in a row, so I pray for healing.
      Thanks for reading, and for leaving a comment.

  3. Hey, lady!
    Good to hear from you again. I’ll hang in there with you since gremlins have neen never known to keep me from reading.

    Sorry about the miscarriages.


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