Heading to Atlanta and Phoenix.

I leave next week for FinCon (the artist formerly known as the Financial Bloggers Conference) in downtown Atlanta. From there I will swing through Phoenix to see my daughter. 

Anyone interested in a meetup in either place?

The conference takes place Wednesday, Oct. 23 through Saturday, Oct. 26. I’ll be in Phoenix from Monday, Oct. 28 until Thursday, Nov. 11. 

My usual MO is to find an easy-to-access fast food restaurant or mall food court and set up shop with my computer. I’ll stick around for a few hours, working if no one shows up and chatting if someone does.

We can chat about whatever you like, but my guess is that most of you want to talk about how frugality can make your life more affordable. More meaningful, too.

Where to meet in the Atlanta area is up to the folks who live there, but I’m leaning toward the food court at Peachtree Center, which is cousin-close to the Hyatt where the conference takes place. No doubt the hotel has a Starbucks (don’t they all?) and seating there, or nearby. 

In Phoenix, I always go to the Wendy’s at 2640 W. Thunderbird. It’s within walking distance from my daughter’s home.

Reader meet-ups make life better

For me, and I hope for you as well. It’s great fun to put a face to a name that I’ve seen in the comments, or to meet people who don’t comment but do want to talk about personal finance.

I like to schedule the Phoenix meetup on a Saturday, so that a reader with a Monday-Friday job can drop by. That would be Nov. 2, probably from 1 to 4 p.m.

As for Atlanta, obviously I’ll be preoccupied with conference programs. I could possibly hang out before 3 p.m. or after 4 p.m. Wednesday (Oct. 23), which is a light day. Before 3 p.m. or after 5 p.m. Saturday is also a possibility. Sunday is iffy; it depends on whether an old colleague who lives there now is able to hang out.

Other than those specific time frames, I might be able to meet for coffee or a soft drink on a case-by-case basis. As in, “Nothing specific I need to attend at the day/time you suggest, so why not?” 

Get in touch with me at survivingandthriving (at) live (dot) com to set something up. Or use Facebook Messenger to suggest a time and day, either in Atlanta or Phoenix.

It’s always a treat to talk money and lifeitsownself with a Surviving and Thriving reader. Hope to see you soon. 

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2 thoughts on “Heading to Atlanta and Phoenix.”

  1. Wish I could but I’ll be nowhere near either of those places. If you ever find yourself in Massachusetts, I’d love to meet up. In the meantime, have fun at FinCom and visiting Abby. Safe travels.


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