Win a $100 Macy’s gift card.

Win a $100 e-gift card from Macy's.

I didn’t set out to be a giveaway site, and thus try not to post too many “win this” articles in a row. Right now I have the Alaskan art jewelry giveaway* going, so this will make the second post in a row that lets you enter to win a prize. But the holidays approach, and I would like for readers to have a chance to win a $100 Macy’s gift card from which is giving away five of them. So here we are.

Macy’s has a wide variety of products, from toys to toasters, to go along with its clothing items. Having a $100 head start on your holiday shopping could be a nice boost to your budget. So what are you waiting for?

Not shopping for the holidays? Already finished your buying? Well, then, you could spend the money on warm items to take to a shelter. If you’re in a warm climate, use it to buy necessities like socks and underwear because I think most (if not all) shelters can never have enough of such things.

Spend it all on playthings to donate to a toy drive. Contact a nursing home to see if you could play Secret Santa to someone who has no family; a hundred dollars could let you buy slippers, PJs, comfortable loungewear for someone who otherwise would not be remembered on the holiday. 

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Monday miscellany: Debt taboo edition.

Some folks would rather talk about religion, politics, COVID-19 safety protocols or even their weight than discuss their credit card debt, according to a new survey from These days, that really means something. After all, families have fractured and friendships have evaporated after discussions over the 2020 election, and whether or not COVID is real. Compared to those incendiary topics, debt seems relatively tame.

The survey revealed that millennials are the most likely (62 percent) to be willing to discuss credit card debt, compared to Gen Z (59 percent), Gen X (51 percent), Baby Boomers (47 percent) and the “silent generation” (41 percent).

Ana Staples, a young credit analyst for Bankrate, thinks this is a good thing. “Even though debt is still an uncomfortable topic, young people are less prone to be cautious of its stigma,” Staples notes.

“Credit card debt isn’t something to be ashamed of.”

No – but it is something to be avoided. And many of those surveyed worry that they’re in this for the long haul. 

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Win a $100 Old Navy gift card.

Enter for a chance to win a $100 e-gift card to spend at Old Navy! is at it again. This time, the coupon/deals website is giving away five $100 e-gift cards to Old Navy. 

Although this is being billed as the #OldNavyFallLooks giveaway, I’m thinking “holiday shopping.” You could do quite a bit of damage with $100 at Old Navy, especially if you check the clearance racks and/or wait until Black Friday.

Then again, Old Navy is known for fun clothing and accessories that are affordable even when they aren’t on sale. 

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$1,500 in gift cards up for grabs from

Once again is putting some gift cards up for grabs, and once again I’m hoping one (or more!) of my readers will win. This is a pair of quick-turnaround giveaways, so please take 60 or so seconds to enter them right now.

Here’s what you have a chance to win:

Four $250 e-gift cards to Home Depot are the prizes in the #WinterPrepWithHomeDepot giveaway. Follow the link and enter before 11:59 p.m. PDT Thursday, Sept. 16.

What would you do with $250 worth of buying power? Home improvement projects, holiday decor, yard care items, e-security stuff like a doorbell camera? Note: Home Depot also sells furniture, linens, cookware, dishes and other home items.

Your second shot at free scrip is with the #SaveAtSamsClub giveaway, which will award $100 gift cards to five lucky winners. Again, enter through that link by 11:59 p.m. PDT Thursday, Sept. 16.

The possibilities at Sam’s Club are pretty wide-open: food, toiletries, pet care, furniture, clothing, towels, sheets, shoes, books, vitamins…If you’ve never been in a warehouse store, you’ll likely wind up a bit dizzy. And if there’s no Sam’s Club near you, just order online.

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Lowe’s, PaperMart gift card giveaways from has two quick-turnaround giveaways going on right now. Why not throw your virtual hat into the ring?

The big-ticket drawing is two $250 e-gift cards at Lowe’s. The #GetOutsideWithLowes giveaway could be fun to spend at the end-of-season clearance sales, or as a head start on  outdoor displays for Halloween and/or Christmas. Since Lowe’s sells a lot of furniture and housewares, you could also use the gift card on a housewarming gift, or to feather your own nest.

The second drawing is smaller, but intriguing: is giving away 10 $20 e-gift cards to PaperMart, a store that specializes in packaging. Winning the #SaveAtPaperMart giveaway would give you the chance to buy everything from ribbons and bows to shipping boxes. This could be the year when you put some super frou-frou wrappings under the tree.

How to enter these drawings? So glad you asked.

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Monday miscellany: Social media shopping edition.

Last week I did something unprecedented: social media shopping. Specifically, I succumbed to a Facebook ad. While I can’t say too much about this, on the off-chance one of the two recipients is reading, I can say I think the gifts I purchased will be a hit this Christmas.

This was new to me, but definitely not to everyone. According to a survey, nearly three-fourths (72 percent) of millennials say social media affects their buying decisions. By contrast, only 45 percent of my own age group copped to this kind of impact.

Ana Staples, an analyst with, says it’s pretty easy to be influenced. In fact, she recently had to put herself on a “book-buying ban” after watching too many TikTok videos about reading. Staples realized she had months’ worth of reading material already stashed.

“Not my proudest moment,” she says.

To help the rest of us avoid impulse buying – and, maybe, Internet scams – Staples offers the following tips. 


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Enter the $8k giveaway.

The coupon website is giving away $8,000 worth of gift cards over the next four weeks. Nope, that’s not an extra “0” added by mistake. It’s Eight. Thousand. Dollars.

Although this #BTSSAVINGS promotion is technically for back-to-school shopping, there’s no rule against entering even if you don’t have kids at home – or have kids at all. Three of the four e-gift card types are pretty egalitarian in terms of who could use them.

Each week through Aug. 23, will give away eight $250 e-gift cards from the following brands:

JC Penney  – where you can get clothing, housewares and more along with school clothes

HP – for school tech, or personal tech

Old Navy – which isn’t necessarily just for the kiddies, by the way; that’s where I found the light cotton, deep-pocketed summer slacks I needed for visiting my daughter in Phoenix

The Children’s Place – okay, this one is definitely just for the kiddies, but even if you don’t have children you could buy stuff to donate to a family shelter

Click on one (or all!) of the above links to enter. (Full disclosure: I receive a teeny-tiny finder’s fee for entries using these links.) If you’re unable to use one or more of the gift card types, just skip that particular merchant’s link. In other words, you won’t receive a card you don’t want. 

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Two big gift-card giveaways. (the parent company of Sivan Social) has two big gift-card giveaways running at the same time. Starting today, you can sign up to win one of five $100 e-gift cards to J. Crew Factory and/or one of five $100 e-gift cards to HSN.

Both would be great for summer fun: bathing suits, barbecue grills, shorts and rompers, garden supplies, pool toys, fire pits and lots more.

But they could also come in handy later on. I’m thinking birthday presents, holiday giving, charitable donations or maybe even filling blank spots in your own wardrobe/kitchen/garden/rec room/whatever. 

You get to decide. If you win, that is. And you can’t win if you don’t enter.


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12 days of giveaways from

Win a $250 gift card from Macy's!

(Note: This post contains affiliate links. I will receive a teeny-tiny finder’s fee for anyone who signs up for the drawings; this revenue helps keep the blog lights on. If that bugs you, feel free to enter the giveaway daily at this non-affiliate link.)

Planning your holiday shopping? can help. The coupon/deal site’s “12 days of giveaways” promotion will award one $250 gift card every weekday from now through Friday, Nov. 22.

Which merchants are participating? So glad you asked.

The giveaway started with HP, the company that manufactures laptops, desktops, printers, monitors and accessories to keep us connected. The only printers I’ve ever owned have been from HP, and I’ve had great service from them.

My next printer will also be from HP – but unfortunately I’m not allowed to enter this drawing because I’m a DealPro. You, however, can enter – and I hope a member of this community wins.

Here’s the list of future giveaway partners – again, one each weekday until Nov. 22:


Read more giving $1k for back-to-school shopping.

Win a $1000 back to school shopping spree!



Yes, the first day of school really is imminent. Here in Anchorage it happens on Aug. 20.

To help with your back-to-school shopping needs, the coupon and deal blog is giving away a $1,000 back-to-school shopping spree.

Here’s the beauty part: You don’t have to have kids in school, or even have kids at all, to enter the #HallmarkBTSSavings giveaway.

The shopping spree is in conjunction with a recent appearance on the Hallmark Channel’s “Home & Family” show. Sara Korab, head of community development for, showed up to talk about how to save money this back-to-school season.

Will the “spree” be in the form of $1,000 worth of discounts, or will you be limited to certain stores? Nope. The winner will get a $1,000 check, to use however he or she chooses.


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