I want to vanish.

thI sort of already have: DF dropped me at the Anchorage airport at 10 p.m. Tuesday and I hit Tarpon Springs, Fla., at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday. For the next five days I’ll be visiting my dad and my sister.

Timing-wise, not great: When I made the reservation a couple of months ago I’d planned it as a barely-any-work vacation. But recently an unexpected magazine assignment came in and an established deadline got moved up a week.

So the time I thought I’d spend hanging with family, doing a bit of sightseeing, and taking long walks and longer baths has turned into a “how to balance interviews with vacation.”

Did I mention I barely slept on the journey? In part that was due to turbulence, but being squeezed into an airline seat didn’t do my frozen shoulder and arm much good. I kept being startled awake by pain or pins and needles.

(The good news, however, is that I’m not losing ground – I can still move my arm to the side. Yay!)

Thus I’ll likely maintain radio silence for a few days. I’m glad to have those assignments but feeling a bit overwhelmed. You probably won’t hear from me unless something really interesting happens. I think alligators would have to be involved.

See you next week.

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5 thoughts on “I want to vanish.”

  1. Enjoy your vacation, even if it’s a working vacation! I’m sure you and your family will enjoy being in a place with above-freezing temperatures for a few days.


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