Giveaway: “How I Make Money Blogging.”’re heading toward September and you know what that means: Christmas shopping!

Or at least the stores seem to think so, given how early they sneak the red-and-green into the inventory. Can’t we have Halloween first?

Some of us shop year-round and then have to fill in with only a few items come the Black Friday madness.  Some realize around mid-December that they haven’t even started.

It all takes money — and one way to earn money is through blogging. Stop laughing. Some people actually do bring in a little extra cash, or a lot. Crystal Stemberger is one of those people. I’m giving away a copy of her e-book, “How I Make Money Blogging: The Beginner’s Guide to Building a Money-Making Blog,” in case you want to be one of those people, too. (There’s a discount code for those who want to buy the book outright; see below.)

Admittedly Crystal is a total workhorse: She has a handful of sites and wears other hats as well (consultant, ad sales goddess, mentor, writer-for-hire). Not everybody wants to work that hard. But if you’re interested in starting your own site, or if you’ve got a site that you want to “monetize” (ugh, hideous neologism), this book can help you bring in what the kids call an “alternative income stream.”

Here’s what I wrote about the book previously:

“Crystal covers the nuts-and-bolts info (domains, how to choose a format) as well as the more esoteric stuff like page rankings and search engine optimization plug-ins. I’m not particularly tech-savvy so this book was a great help to me. It showed me a bunch of things I should have been doing and explained them in language I could understand.”

If you’re not the lucky winner but still want the book, I hope you’ll consider purchasing it by clicking on the link above. If you do, my daughter will get a small finder’s fee for the sale. To sweeten the deal, use the code thankyou10 to get a $10 discount.

To enter:

If you do any (or all!) of these things, please leave separate, additional comments to get credit for each entry.

The deadline is 7 p.m. PDT Tuesday, Aug. 20. If I don’t hear back from the winners by 7 p.m. PDT Wedesday, Aug. 21, I’ll pull another name.

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83 thoughts on “Giveaway: “How I Make Money Blogging.””

  1. My husband and I saw Christmas trees and decorations for sale on JULY 30th here at the Costco in Calgary, Alberta. Unbelievable! Oh, and I’ve love to have the eBook! Hope I’m a winner.

  2. And if the nifty gremlins in the site will let me, allow me to say that I’ve been thinking about this very topic and would love to win the book!

  3. Hi Donna

    This book looks like a fabulous resource. I have been thinking of starting a blog now for awhile.

    By the way I was in Costco yesterday and they’re already selling Halloween costumes for children! They were beside the snow suits. For a moment I thought the summer had passed me by and I was walking around in October or November. Thankfully I woke up and remembered it was still August! Phew.

  4. I’d love to receive a copy of this ebook! I’ve seriously considering starting a blog & would like an all-in-one go to ebook!

  5. Weird how I’ve been thinking about starting to write a blog and things like this keep popping up…
    Guess I need to get started!

  6. This month proved in many ways that an alternative income stream is something most all of us could use. I would really appreciate this book.

  7. I started reading Crystal’s BitFS blog when she began…she does work hard and has inspired me. I’d love to read the ebook. Thanks, Donna!

  8. I’m looking for lots of different ways I can bring in some extra money here and there. Blogging is one I’ve been thinking about a lot as an option.


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